Saturday, 21 September 2013

All about Dunbar...


Choosing Dunbar...
Dunbar welcomes boys and girls at age 11 and provides them with adedicated environment and community for the transitional two years between Primary School and the 3rd Form of Pangbourne College.

We welcome boys and girls to stay in our modern boarding house. The students are supervised by a dedicated team of staff, who provide exceptional pastoral guidance acting, often simultaneously, as mentor, counsellor, supporter and friend.

Dedicated environment ...
The boarding house has a fully equipped day room for use by the day students as well as boarders. The dayroom has a pool table, table tennis table, table football as well as many board games. The building itself backs onto a garden and large open space, where the children can unwind, run around and play with their friends.

Dunbar students use all of the Colleges facilities, be it rowing on the Thames, scaling the climbing wall or playing in our new Music centre on a Steinwayspiano.

Having Fun…
Dunbar students are happy and full of energy. Throughout their two years the Dunbar students embark on a multitude of trips and take part in many exciting events that promote experiential learning as well as team work skills.

The two year Dunbar experience rallies to a close with the 2nd Form Camping Expedition which serves as an excellent prelude to their participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, starting in the 3rd Form.

The 2nd Form students have to opportunity to be promoted as Dunbar Prefects. The Prefects have real roles and responsibilities. For example, the Head Boy and Head Girl summarise the year groups’ time at Dunbar by giving a speech at the 2nd Form Dinner.

Caring Community...
By working in a close knit community we develop the whole child and give them opportunities to explore their own characters as well as strengthening their independence, moral values and team work. We support each child on every step of their journey.

Developing each Child...
Dunbar prides itself on developing the confidence of young boys and girls, giving them a firm foundation they can build upon as they move up through Pangbourne College.

We provide a framework build upon a consistent and high level of care and discipline that encourages and motivates the individual child.

High Academic Expectations….
Our students are taught in small classes resulting in a high level of teacher contact, this enables their teachers to apply academic rigor whilst the students achieve and maintain their highest standards.

Our high expectations ensure that each child flourishes in an environment where every child is truly known by their tutor or teacher.

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