Saturday, 4 January 2014

Dunbar Bulletin Michaelmas Term 2013 2

From the Housemaster
The first half of the Michaelmas Term has certainly been eventful for all of the Dunbar students with an array of sporting fixtures, Friday activities, Geography field trips, the Dunbar Challenge, drama workshops and of course working hard on their studies!
The First Form have settled in well and the Second Form are showing themselves to be good role models for the First Form to look up to. I am pleased with the happy atmosphere that we have in Dunbar and I look forward to more of the same over the coming weeks.
Forward Watch won the first Dunbar Challenge of the year, captained by Sam Holloway. The pupils had to find the answers to cryptic clues in a treasure hunt around the College Campus. The main theme as with all of the Dunbar Challenges is ‘working together as a team’.
The Second Form (and some First Form boarders) thoroughly enjoyed the Geography Field trip to London on Saturday 12th October. The trip involved taking in some of the architecture and history of the City of London followed by some ‘mudlarking’ where the pupils collected and identified historic artefacts from the Thames riverside.
In the last week before the half-term holidays began, Dunbar enjoyed a Drama workshop, courtesy of the Fourth Form Drama students. The 4th form Drama students are studying a unit on Theatre in Education as part of their GCSE and they created a workshop for the Dunbar students.
And finally, I would like to echo the words of Mrs Jacqui Waller at the Dunbar Parents’ and Guardians’ meeting that the Dunbar pupils need to return from the half-term holidays ready to show off their positive academic intent and to build up momentum that culminates in the assessment fortnight. Pupils should have a clear idea of any academic ‘targets for improvement’ and they will need to work on these on their return from the holidays.
Further to any comments your son’s/daughter’s subject teachers made at the Dunbar Parents’ and Guardians’ meeting and/or in the interim reports, if you do have any questions regarding their academic targets, please contact your son’s/daughter’s academic tutor.
I hope that all of the Dunbar pupils and families have enjoyed their time together over the half term holidays.
Will Ogilvie-Jones
Housemaster of Dunbar

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